
14071948 Resolution adopted by the Commission at its 15th meeting, neld on 14 July 1948 in Faridkot House, New Delhi

14071948 Resolution adopted by the Commission at its 15th meeting, neld on 14 July 1948 in Faridkot House, New Delhi




The United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan, In a spirit of goodwill and impartiality, Confident of the desire of the Governments of India and Pakistan to facilitate in all ways possible its efforts to bring about a peaceful settlement of the situation in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and,


In order that there may be created an atmosphere which will encourage the cessation of hostilities,


Urges the Governments of India and Pakistan to take immediately those measures within their power which can improve the situation and to refrain from making or causing to be made any statements which might aggravate the situation.