
15071948 .Letter dated 15 July 1948 from the Government of India to the Chairman of the Commission concerning its resolution (S/AC.12/17) of 14 July (S/AC.12/19)

15071948 .Letter dated 15 July 1948 from the Government of India to the Chairman of the Commission concerning its resolution (S/AC.12/17) of 14 July (S/AC.12/19)


15 July 1948


I have the honour to refer to your letter to me dated 14 July in which you enclosed the text of a resolution adopted by your Commission at its 15th meeting, held on 14 July 1948, in Faridkot House, New Delhi. As desired by Your Excellency, the resolution was submitted to the Honourable Fardit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India and Minister for External Affairs. The Prime Minister desires me to request Your Excellency to convey the following reply to the Commission :


"I have carefully considered the resolution of the Commission which, in substance, corresponds to a resolution adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations on 17 January 1948, in the course of which the Government of India were asked to take immediately all measures within their power calculated to improve the situation and to refrain from making any statement... which might aggravate the situation. In my reply to the Council 1 stated: 'The Government of India have never faltered either in their desire or in their endeavour to improve the situation'. This is still the position of my Government and the Commission may rest assured that, consistent with their rights under international law and the Charter of the United Nations, the Government of India will continue to endeavour to give effect to the Commission's request."


(Signed) G.S. Bajpai Secretary-General Government of India