
24011948  Text of the Speech made by Mr. DE LA Tournelle (France) in the Security Council Meeting No. 235 held on 24 January, 1948.


 Text of the Speech made by Mr. DE LA Tournelle (France) in the Security Council Meeting No. 235 held on 24 January, 1948.


I listened with emotion to the eloquent appeal of the United Kingdom representative. I think that Mr. Noel Baker accurately expressed the sentiments we all felt after hearing the statements of the two parties. Indeed, it is quite clear that, in spite of the critical situation which has arisen, the two Governments are too conscious of these great responsibilities towards the vast populations they have the honour to govern to risk allowing the present dispute to degenerate into a conflict,


The Security Council has taken only the first steps along a path which may lead to peace. Nevertheless, it has made an important decision in establishing a Commission which has very wide powers, since it is both a commission of investigation and a commission of mediation.


I think that the Commission's first task should be to organise a plebiscite as soon as possible. In that connection, I think that the speediest procedure would be to continue consultations between the two parties, under the President's auspices, in order to establish the condition in which that plebiscite should take place.


Personally, I would suggest three conditions: 1. The withdrawal of foreign troops from the State of Kashmir.


2. The return of the inhabitants, irrespective of their race Hindu or Moslem-to their places of origin in that State.


3. The establishment of a free administration which would not exert on the population and would give absolute guarantees of a free vote.