
04091965 Text of the Speech made by Mr. Aka (Ivory Coast) in the Security Council Meeting No. 1237 held on 4 September 1965

Text of the Speech made by Mr. Aka (Ivory Coast) in the Security Council Meeting No. 1237 held on 4 September 1965


We have before us the report of the Secretary-General dated 3 September 1965. This document is particularly disturbing because of the light it sheds on the development of certain events in Kashmir which we have been following in the past few weeks. Not only Press reports, but statements from official sources clearly confirm, as indicated in the Secretary-General's report, the seriousness of the situation in that part of the world, where the intensity of certain military operations on land and in the air are a manifestation not only of the threat of force, which is already prohibited by the Charter, but of the undeniable use of force between two great nations.


Many communications, much information, including denials and accusations, have reached us since the cease-fire was broken in Kashmir. My Government, which attributes great value to negotiation and to the need for all Member States to settle their disputes by peaceful means, cannot emphasise too strongly how vain and transient are solutions achieved by force. At this moment, when blood is being shed in Kashmir and innocent people, women and children are meeting sudden death in the horror of war, may Government believes that it is imperative for the Council to do what it has done in other circumstances to bring about peace and that is why we have been instructed to co-sponsor the draft resolution submitted to the Council by Malaysia. We hope that the draft resolution will be adopted.