Health Benefits of Laughter Therapy

Health Benefits of Laughter Therapy

It is more than one and a half years now since people have been practicing laughter therapy all over India There is a growing demand for opening such clubs at many more places in India and abroad. Everyday more and more people are joining laughter clubs. Obviously there must be some health benefits, otherwise people would not make the time to participate. Health benefits can be attributed to positive thinking, faith healing and autosuggestions when we fortify our subconscious minds every day with a positive input.

Most Important: People suffering from a variety of diseases have benefited in some way or the other. But we don't claim to have cured long-standing ailments with laughter therapy. Laughter is more of a supplementary and preventive therapy. We Are starting clinical research on it very soon. It will take a couple of years before we publish research data on laughter therapy. Based on the interviews of hundreds of people in India and research done all over the world, we have found that laughter has helped many people.

Sense of Well Being

The one benefit everybody gets, is a sense of wellbeing. After 15 minutes of laughter in the morning, you will feel fresh throughout the day.

There is no medicine like laughter therapy which gives you instant results. You start feeling the freshness straightaway. Many people have found that they don't get irritated over trivial things after starting this therapy. Their approach towards life changes positively.

Depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders, the stress and strain of modem life are taking a heavy toll on the human mind. Mind related diseases like anxiety, depression, nervous breakdown, and sleeplessness are on the rise. Laughter has benefited many people who were on heavy tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Now they are getting better sleep and their depression has reduced. People with suicidal tendencies have started living with more hope.

Meditation and Relaxation Laughter Therapy is one of the finest anti-stress measures. It is ideally suited for today's stress ridden lifestyle It can be compared to any form of meditation or relaxation. To achieve the desired end through meditation, one has to put in a concerted effort to completely detach oneself on mental and emotional levels from one's own feelings and thought process, as well as from the physical world to prevent distractions. On the other hand, while laughing, we do not have any conscious thought process and all our senses naturally and effortlessly combine in a moment of harmony, to give joy, peace and relaxation.

In other types of meditation you need to concentrate a lot to take your mind away from distracting thoughts, which is easier said than done. Therefore, Laughter Therapy is the easiest form of meditation, a form which brings you instant relaxation.




High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease

There are a number of causes for high blood pressure and heart disease like hereditary, being overweight, smoking and excessive intake of saturated fats. But stress is one of the most important factors.

Laughter definitely helps to control blood pressure by reducing the release of stress related hormones and bringing relaxation. In experiments it has been proved that there is a drop of 10-20 mm pressure after participating for i minutes in a laughter session. It does not mean that those who are taking 2-3 tablets for blood pressure everyday will be completely cured. Maybe, you will require 2 tablets if you are taking 3 or borderline high blood pressure patients may not require any medication.

It takes years to develop high blood pressure, it cannot be reversed in a few days or month. But definitely laughter will exercise some control and arrest further progress of the disease.

Similarly, if you are at a high risk of developing heart disease, laughter may be the best preventive medicine. Those who are suffering from heart disease and have stabilized on medication will find that laughter therapy improves the blood circulation and oxygen levels to the heart muscles. Those who have had heart attacks or have undergone bypass surgery can also participate in laughter therapy .

Strengthens the Immune System

Our immune system plays a most important role in keeping good health or development of infections, allergies and cancer.

It has been proved by psychoneuro-immunologists that all negative emotions like anxiety, depression or anger weaken the immune system of the body, thereby reducing its fighting capacity against infections. Laughter helps to increase the count of natural killer lymphocytes (a type of white cells) and also raises the antibody levels.

Researchers have found more antibodies in the mucous of the nose and respiratory passages after laughter therapy. There are many members of laughter clubs who have noticed that the frequency of common colds, sore throats and chest infections has reduced.

Natural Pain Killer

Laughter increases the levels of ENDORPHINS in our bodies, which are natural pain killers. It may help to reduce the intensity of pain in those suffering from arthritis, spondylitis and muscular spasms of the body. Many ladies have reported reduced frequency of migraine headaches and tension headaches.

Bronchitis and Asthma

Laughter is one of the best exercises for those suffering from asthma and bronchitis, It improves the lung capacity and oxygen levels in the blood. Doctors recommend chest physiotherapy to bring out mucus (phlegm) from the respira tory passages Blowing forcefully into an instrument and blowing balloons is one of the common exercises given to asthmatics. Laughter therapy does the same job, more easily and cheaply.

There are many individuals suffering from asthma and bronchitis who participate in laughter clubs They have reported reduced frequency of their attacks Laughter therapy may cause some discomfort if you have severe bronchospasm. There is a small percentage of asthma cases who may get a little aggravation by doing any exercise (exercise induced asthma) Such individuals should consult their doctors before taking up laughter therapy.

One of the most common causes for frequent attacks of asthma is infection Laughter therapy increases the antibody levels in the mucous membrane of the respiratory passages, thereby reducing the frequency of chest Infections. It also tones up the normal mucous clearing system of the bronchial tubes. Stress is another factor which brings on an attack of asthma. By reducing stress, it might improve the prognosis of the disease.

Improves Stamina in Athletes

Since breathing capacity is one of the factors which determines Stanley in sports, laughter therapy may improve athletic performance.

There is a lot of tension before appearing in a competition. Laughter before any competitive sports activity will increase the relaxation levels and hence, performance. Laughter therapy can be introduced as a regular exercise in any kind of sports activity.

Internal Jogging

There are plenty of exercises available for your body muscles, but laughing provides a good massage to all internal organs. It enhances their blood supply and increases their efficiency. It has been compared to magic fingers which reach into the interior of the abdomen and massage your organs .

Good for Actors and Singers

Laughter therapy can be very beneficial for singers and actors. Increased lung capacity, exercise of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles will help to gain a better control over speech. It may enhance self confidence and reduce stage fright.

Makes You Look Younger

People do exercise for all the muscles of the body, but there is no regular exercise designed for facial muscles except in Yoga. Laughter is an excellent exercise for your facial muscles. It tones up the muscles of the face and improves facial expressions. When you laugh, your face becomes red due to an increase in blood supply which nourishes the facial skin and makes it glow.

Laughing people look more cheerful and attractive. By squeezing the tear glands through laughter, it moistens the eyes adding a little sparkle to them. Laughter exercises your abdominal muscles and helps to improve muscle tone of those with pot bellies.



Snoring occurs as a result of lack of tone in the muscles of the soft palate. Laughter therapy is very good for the muscles of the soft palate and throat. Some individuals have reported improvements. We have already started clinical studies on the effects of laughter on snoring

Interpersonal Relationships

Laughter brings people together and improves interpersonal relationships. All the members of a Laughter Club meet each other with open minds and they care for each other. You will get a chance to interact with a number of people with a positive frame of mind. Today all the members of different laughter clubs are like family members.

They know each other well, they share their griefs and sorrows. They share their joyful moments by meeting each other, going out for picnics etc. They organize health workshops, yoga camps and naturopathy seminars from time to time People from various walks of life come together and greet each other with a smiling face.

World Peace

This is an ideal platform to promote world peace. Laughter has no barrier. Why can we not hold Laughter Contests at international levels to bring fellowship, brotherhood and make this planet a better place for living?

Self Confidence through Laughter

When you are laughing in a group at a public place with your arms up towards the sky, it removes your inhibitions and over a period of time you become a more sociable, unreserved and outgoing person. Admittedly, some people are a bit reluctant to join the laughter group initially, in spite of strong inclinations for it, for fear of appearing absurd to onlookers. However, this is a passing phase and the very decision to join a Laughter Club opens your mind. Gradually, it also adds to your self confidence.

It will also help to develop your personality and leadership qualities. In a laughter club, many members are encouraged to conduct the sessions. People who were not able to speak a word in public, often become very good public speakers. The laughter club of Johnson Garden (Mulund) has produced more than thirty anchor persons. With the passage of time, you will observe a transformation in your personality You develop a more positive attitude towards life Minor setbacks or irritants in everyday life no longer cause a serious disturbance, and you learn to deal with them much more effectively,

Laughter Therapy for School Children and College Students

At present, a majority of the members of Laughter Clubs are 40 plus or senior citizens. However, we plan to initiate and spread this concept amongst students as it has various benefits for them. Its positive and refreshing effect can help them to improve their level of concentration and memory, and equip them to cope with examination related stress. Young people enjoy laughter sessions a lot. Though they are not able to attend them regularly, as laughter sessions usually start at 7 am which often coincide with school and college timings.

Many school teachers have shown interest in introducing laughter therapy in their schools and colleges. India's first school Laughing Club was set up on 27th of October, at Progressive English School in Aurangabad (Maharashtra). Reports indicate that nearly 250-300 children are laughing for 10 minutes after the morning prayers. It is being conducted by senior teachers of the school.

Some of this Therapy's Possible Benefits to Children are:

1 Laughter therapy will increase the level of relaxation and reduce nervousness and stage fright.

2. It will help children to be more outgoing and develop self confidence.

3. Laughter therapy will increase their stamina and breathing capacity enabling them to excel in sports activities

4. Laughter therapy will increase oxygen supply and improve mental functions and academic performance

5. Cheerful moods will become a way of life and help children to develop a positive attitude towards life, as well as enhance their leadership qualities

We are approaching educational authorities and Government officials to introduce Laughter Therapy in schools and colleges. Meanwhile, we shall also assist and guide people who wish to start Laughter Clubs in private schools or colleges

Laughter Therapy in Corporate Houses

In Japan, it is a regular practice to do some physical exercises in office premises in the morning before employees start their work. All the members of the company, from Managing Director to peons, participate.

We believe that introducing Laughter Therapy in corporate houses is a very significant and worthwhile idea. It can help to improve interpersonal relationships at all levels in an organization, replacing mutual lack of trust and confidence with a more positive outlook and cooperative attitude towards one's colleagues and subordinates. This should in tum definitely help to improve the prevalent work environment and overall performance of an organization.

Laughter Therapy for Blind Students and Old Age Homes

In the month of October 1995, a unique experiment was conducted in making blind students laugh at Dadar (Mumbai) There were about 30-40 young girls mostly below 12 years of age along with some senior members of the organization. Initially they were hesitant, but after a live demonstration the little girls were laughing non-stop and they were laughing as if they were starved of this natural gift. We are also approaching institutes for the blind to introduce laughter in the lives of blind students


It will certainly help them to become more cheerful and cope with depression and frustration that haunts them quite often. We call upon social workers and philanthropists to join hands with us in this mission. Similarly, this nature cure can cheer up residents of old age homes.

Who Should Not Join a Laughter Club?

People are instructed to laugh forcefully so that all the residual air in the lungs is emptied and is replaced by oxygen-rich fresh air. Forceful laughter involves some physical strain and rise in abdominal pressure. Patients with the following complications are those who should not join in laughter therapy sessions.

Hernia: Hernia is a protrusion of the abdominal contents through the muscle wall of the abdominal cavity. Those suffering from inguinal (groin) hernia or abdominal incisional (operative scar) hernia should avoid attending laughter sessions. This is because of laughter. produces additional abdominal pressure and may aggravate the condition. However, if the patient has undergone surgical treatment for hemin, he/she could be assessed by a surgeon for fitness before attend- a ing laughter therapy.

Advanced Piles: The condition of patients with long standing piles may worsen with laughter therapy, They should get themselves treated before attending therapy.

Heart Disease with Chest Pain: flear patients who get chest pain while walking or during routine activity, should not participate. Patients whose condition has stabilized and who can walk for 30 45 minutes without difficulty, are fit to join the laughing session Avoid laughter therapy for three months after a heart attack and two months following abdominal surgery.

Prolapse: Ligaments supporting the uterus become weak after the age of 40. They may sag and cause prolapse of the uterus. Such women have lower abdominal discomfort and may lose complete control over their urine flow (stress incontinence). They should avoid laughter therapy until they are treated surgically.

Pregnancy: Pregnant women may undergo an abortion if there is a rise in abdominal pressure and hence should avoid attend ing a laughter session. Even patients without any illness, but who feel uneasy after a laughter session should discontinue their attendance and consult a doctor.

Severe Cold and Flu: Those suffering from a viral common cold with a runny nose along with fever and chest infection should stay away from the group for 2-3 days till the infection and fever settle down.


The views expressed in the Article above are Author’s personal views and is not in any way responsible for the opinions expressed in the above article.                                                   

Courtesy: Parishad Prabha: May, 2009

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